Yu-Gi-Oh! Bacolod Dueling Blog

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chaos Dragons Post September 2013 Build. [OCG]

Hey guys, just got home after a Tournament implementing the Official September 1st 2013 OCG Banlist, so here i went with my Chaos Dragons and went undefeated!

Went against:

[Game 1] 3-Axis Flaming Star (2-0)
[Game 2] Hieroglyph OTK (2-1)
[Game 3] Grandsoil Psychic (2-1)
[Game 4] Hero Beat (2-0)
[Game 5] Hero Beat (2-0)
[Game 6] Inzecters (2-0)

Deck made great progress during the time, and here's the build:

[Main Deck][:] [40]


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Chaos Sorcerer [2]
Lightpulsar Dragon [3]
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Darkflare Dragon
Dark Armed Dragon 
Eclipse Wyvern
Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness [2]
Tragoedia [2]
Maxx "C" [2]
Effect Veiler [2]
Tour Guide From the Underworld [2]
Night Assailant
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter [3]
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress [3]
Black Feather - Gale the Hurricane 
Card Trooper [2]


Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon [2]
Allure of Darkness
Charge of the Light Brigade
Solar Recharge [2]
Pot of Avarice

[Extra Deck][:][15]

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Starform Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
Black Feather - Armored Wing
Mist Bird Clausolas
Gaia Dragoon the Thunder Charger
Sacred Ptolemys M7
Hieroglyph Dragon King - Atums
Dragon Devil - Queen Dragun
No. 39: Aspiring Emperor Hope
Symphony Devil Maestroke
Drum Devil Tenten Tempo
Mainspring Landmine Zenmaine
Empty Space Sea Serpent Levaiel

The Build is still the standard build focusing on heavy milling and go for OTKs.

So see you again guys on my next deck profile. :p